Sophomore Ana Hall is dedicated to her teams


Ana Hall works on lowering her time at a cross country practice. Hall motivates herself by choosing a person with a similar pace and running with them. Photo taken by Ms. Katie Panek.

Sophomore Ana Hall spends her days striving to perform her best in both her classes and the multiple sports she is involved in. On top of her busy academic schedule, Hall takes part in soccer, volleyball, and cross country.

Although she took cross country and volleyball in her freshman year, Hall has played soccer since the fourth grade. “My mom signed me up when I was little and I liked it so she just kept signing me up,” Hall said.

Since she is a member of three teams, two in the fall and one in the spring, Hall must manage her time and balance schoolwork and sports in order to achieve success in both.

“It’s difficult trying to find the time. With [cross country], you’re using those two hours to go play a sport instead of studying. After practice, I go home and study or [I study] before school starts,” Hall said.

In spite of the fact that she sacrifices time that could be occupied by other interests, Hall enjoys the numerous hours she spends with her teams.

“Working as a team and hanging out as a team and [having] goals set for yourself. When you meet those goals, its amazing and it feels like you’re accomplishing something that you never thought you could do,” Hall said.

For Hall, motivation is not an issue and she makes an effort to do her best. “Motivation is the people around you just cheering you on and encouraging you. In soccer, cross country and volleyball, everyone’s cheering for you and your teammates are very supportive. It really helps,” Hall said.

Even though Hall faces difficulties, sports have profoundly impacted her life. “It’s changed me in a lot of ways, physically and emotionally, just [remembering] all the struggles I’ve been through in my past and seeing how I can push past them or become better.”